Who are Farm XS?

FarmXS is a farm waste plastic and paper recycling collection service.  It has been collecting and baling waste plastic from England’s farms, equestrian units and horticultural businesses since 2006.    

FarmXS considers themselves as the professionals in agricultural recycling.  Over the last 5 years 96% of the farm plastics we have collected has gone on to be recycled.  Today we collect the plastic and paper waste produced from over 2,500 farms.  The plastic is either picked up or taken by our customer to one of our 35 collection centres, all of which are based on a farm close to you.  Here we bale the plastic through our high density compacting baler which is mounted on the back of the FarmXS lorry.  Because we insist that the plastic is sorted by you before collection a high percentage is recyclable.

We recycle sprays / chemical cans, silage sheets, silage bags, baler twine, feed bags, fertiliser / seed bags, crop cover, paper and cardboard.  

Recycling Facts

98% of Farm XS collected waste is successfully recycled.

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