Why should I recycle my farm waste?

Farm XS helping you to meet your farming obligations

The Waste Management Regulations 2006 banned the burning or burying of farm waste, including plastic and cardboard. You have a legal duty to send your waste off the farm, either for recycling or to a landfill site.  FarmXS can help you here.

Most importantly, you may only give your waste to an authorised person and you must have the correct paperwork – a Waste Transfer Note – to show that it was disposed of lawfully. The Environment Agency are policing the Regulations and may inspect your farm and documents.  Recently a Bedfordshire farmer was fined for burning plastic waste on his farm.

Farm Assurance also requires that you keep proper records.

FarmXS helps you achieve efficient, cost effective compliance for farm waste recycling.  Sending it to us cuts your carbon footprint, whereas sending it to a landfill site means it will take more than 100 years to decompose.

Recycling Facts

98% of Farm XS collected waste is successfully recycled.

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