What will you take?

What we CAN take
- Clear Plastic Film (clear shavings bales, shrink wrap etc.)
- Silage Sheet
- Silage Wrap
- Plastic Feed Bags
- Woven Polypropylene Bags (eg Fertiliser Bags, Seed Bags etc)
- Baler Twine or String
- Plant Trays
- Dry Cardboard
- Plant Pots
- Net Wrap
- Spray & Dairy Chemical Containers* (lids in separate can but not attached onto the can, no foil caps)
*Chemical containers can be crushed under a fore-end loader or tractor wheel
The Environment Agency requires that spray and dairy chemical containers are cleaned by being at least triple rinsed. Foils must be kept separate – we recommend that members store these for separate collection, under the Hazardous Waste scheme.
So that it can be recycled please sort plastic and cardboard by type into separate bags. A bag is classed as full when it’s contents are level with the top.
What we CAN'T take
- Incorrectly sorted plastic & cardboard
- Significant quantities of water, dirt, mud or dung
- Excessively wet or contaminated plastic cannot be accepted.
If you need more clarification or information, bags or a collection please call Farm XS Ltd on 01985 217 882 or 0800 0116 888, email enquiries@farmxs.com or use our Contact page.
FarmXS collect and recycle
FarmXS can arrange to collect for an additional charge
FarmXS collect and recycle
FarmXS collect and recycle
Click Here
FarmXS collect and recycle
FarmXS collect and recycle
.FarmXS collect and recycle
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