Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it necessary to sort the plastic?

Different types of recycled plastic have different uses according to their specific characteristics.  By gathering together large volumes FarmXS can achieve the maximum value for the plastic which allows the cost of the scheme to members to be kept to a minimum.

What do you do with the plastic which you collect?

The farm plastic is taken to each Collector’s centre where it is stored before being baled. It is then collected by Farm XS Ltd and sold on for recycling.

Where is it

There are a number of UK outlets to convert surplus plastic into car body parts, bin liners, road cones, garden furniture and coat hangers etc.  We are also assisting with research into a process by which lower value products (eg net wrap) can be converted to a form of oil.

Do you take Net Wrap?

To date we have accepted Net Wrap even though it has been very difficult to recycle. Reluctantly we have therefore had to change the basis under which we accept Net Wrap from you. We will continue to accept Net Wrap but will charge an additional sum of £20 plus VAT in respect of each bag of Net Wrap that is sent to us.

As an alternative we are aware of a growing number of farmers using a clear shrink wrap instead of Net Wrap. The bale is then wrapped with coloured film in the normal way; both types of film can be recycled together and we will be pleased to accept them.

How clean does my plastic have to be?

In the ideal world your plastic would be clean and dry.  However, we recognise the conditions in which you operate make this impractical and ask that you use common sense to keep your plastic as clean as is practical.  For example, please put bale wraps straight into one of our bags as you open the bale, and do not leave them lying in the yard for some time.

Why do I need to use

Simply to collect and keep your plastic and cardboard together, and so that we can transport it to be recycled. Unfortunately bags are not reusable as they are cut during baling of the plastic and the Environment Agency do not allow reuse due to contamination and biosecurity. The bags themselves will be recycled.

Why do you supply

Not everyone has suitable bags (see below) on their farm. Our bags are new, large, strong and ideal for the purpose.  We believe that at £7 each they also represent very good value.

Can I use bags which I already have on the farm?

Yes, in some cases. We need any bag which you use to be made of woven polypropylene, to have pallet loops, to be empty and to be clean.

The Environment Agency requires all bags to be ‘fit for the purpose’. We cannot therefore accept fertiliser bags which have been opened by cutting a hole in them. 

How many of my bags will you collect?

Our collectors mainly use flatbed trailers towed behind a 4×4 and will take a trailer load, normally being up to about 2 tonnes.

Do you supply a frame to hold the bag?

In our experience farmers are ingenious whilst frames are costly, especially if you need several.  Therefore, we don’t supply frames; we have seen various simple and cost effective methods of holding bags up and open from a pair of cup hooks to an upturned sheep hurdle.

How big and strong are the

The bags are 1 metre square and 1.5 metres high (approx 1500 litres).

The bags are made of a strong woven polypropylene which we recycle. Under normal use they will not split.


Is there any limit on how much plastic I can sent to Farm XS?

We accept up to 8 bags each year from members in the ‘up to 100 acres’ category and charge per bag above that. For other categories we regularly review how much each member is sending us and may review the membership fee at the next renewal.

How much plastic will I get into a bag?

As the scheme operates on a volume not a weight basis we expect that farmers will devise ingenious methods of getting more plastic in to the bags; ultimately it will always depend how tightly the plastic is compressed.  We have seen 40 x 1 tonne  fertiliser bags or 80+ silage wraps in a bag without difficulty.

Are the bags

No. The bag will have to be cut in order to get the plastic out for baling and also the Environment Agency will not allow their reuse due to contamination issues. The bags themselves will be recycled.

Do I have to pay for replacement bags?

Yes. We have to pay for all of the bags which we buy and therefore charge for every bag that we supply to you.

How are collections

Members notify either their Collector or Farm XS when they have full bags and the Collector will then liaise with them to arrange a time for collection. Farm XS will retain collection records to ensure that all members are offered at least one collection every 12 months.

What paperwork will be provided by Farm XS?

Members will receive appropriate Waste Transfer Notes to ensure they comply with their Duty of Care under the Farm Waste Regulations.  We anticipate that members will also need to retain these documents to satisfy Environment Agency, Farm Assurance and other inspectors etc.

What should I do with udder wipes and AI gloves etc.?

These items, together with waste oil, tractor batteries, asbestos sheets and veterinary items etc are classified under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 as Hazardous Waste. We are currently unable to accept them but will identify suitable outlets for members who telephone.

Will you take old

We are unable to take tyres ourselves at our sites, although we do have an outlet for them directly from your farm. Please contact the office with the approximate quantity you have to dispose of.

What should I do with 200 litre drums?

If they contained chemicals they need to be triple rinsed.  We are happy to take them without them being in a bag.  However, due to space constraints, they each count as one of the bags in a collection.

Any other

Please use our contact page to get in touch with any other questions.  We’ll do our utmost to help you.

You can telephone us, email us or message us through the contact form or social media.

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